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Set your 2023 productivity goal with 1ViewTask

Productivity Goal

Everyone seems to have a new year’s resolution, but not all people follow up on those resolutions. The ones who are dedicated to establishing something new are only able to fulfill their respective resolutions. Thinking of new goals is easy but implementing them in real life is a difficult task to do. People often try some ways to set their productivity goals. These ways are as follows:

  • People try watching motivational videos and set their minds on completing their work-related goals. Of course, watching videos does not work for a long time so people fail. You cannot stay motivated if you don’t have the urge to work. Feeling motivated after watching random videos is a temporary fix to the problem. You need a permanent solution to productivity issues.

  • They focus on small chunks of work and try to keep themselves on track. People are on track with this solution only until their work is not that hectic. Once a huge project strikes, this plan will eventually go in vain. Unfortunately, people fail to keep up and lose their productivity. And once again, a solution is needed to the problem.

  • Team members try to make strategic planning for working on a project. Planning requires the participation of the entire team. However, this planning vanishes away after the project is done. Keeping up with long-term planning becomes very difficult for people and project managers seek to find solutions to such problems.

  • People try to make their goals look achievable but, they are not so achievable because people do not have the right technique for achieving these goals. They take stress, feel lousy while working, and are unable to focus clearly. These problems can only be solved if there is a permanent solution. Don’t worry, you will get a solution by the end of this blog.

What if I tell you that you can increase your productivity and manage all your work just by using a single tool? yes, you read this right. There are task management tools available in the market that help people achieve their goals and in increasing overall productivity. With the help of these tools, you can create tasks, keep up with your deadline and complete your projects in a managerial way. Research claims that 70% of people use task management tools in today’s time to increase their productivity. These tools tend to work wonders for people who are keen to achieve their so-called “new year’s resolution.”

1ViewTask is one such productivity-boosting tool that has a lot to offer. This tool is AI/ML-enabled and allows the user to manage all their tasks, projects, and compliances in a single place. It comes with a lot of integrations set within and can be used to fulfill work and personal purposes too. Moreover, 1ViewTask guarantees a 30% increase in the overall productivity of the user. Now if a tool is guaranteeing something like this, there must be something special about the tool. So, let us get into its specializations.

Firstly, if you sign up on 1ViewTask, the tool is free for 1 user with enterprise-level features for a lifetime and you get to enjoy a free 2.5 GB data pack alongside. The app is available on Android and iOS as well. Once you have successfully signed up, you can get access to all the amazing features of this tool. You can see all your tasks in a broadened view. You can see through your to-do tasks, in-progress ones, and completed ones. The tool offers you various kinds of views for seeing through this page. Moreover, you can create tasks for yourself or for your team members. With the help of different kinds of views, you can easily see through all your work in an organized way. This tool will help you become more managerial with your work, and you will be able to focus on one task at a time. Working in chunks suit people who know how to keep their tasks in order.

While you create a task, you get to name the task, describe it, select the tag, priority of the task, select the recurrence pattern, and start-due date. Moreover, you can attach the required documents with your task and create a checklist alongside. Further, you can select the company name, activity type, compliance type, and section. Once you are done with all the information, your task is good to go on the to-do page. This tool offers you a lot of options and will help you create a full-fledged task. It hardly takes 5 minutes in creating a task. This will help you analyze the task clearly and you will not get confused about anything while you work.

You can also select the assignee, reviewer, and escalator while you create the tasks. This whole new concept is known as the maker-checker concept. You will not find this concept in any task management tool. with this concept, you can select an assignee, the one who is supposed to work on the task. Then choose a reviewer, it could be multiple who need to review the task once it is completed. Lastly, there is an escalation manager, the person who will get notified if the task is not completed on time. This helps the project managers to keep a check on the team’s work. The productivity of the team will tend to get better as the members will start meeting deadlines. There are several benefits of this concept, you can learn all of them by taking hold of all the features of this tool.

1ViewtTask has come up with different concepts and features. Another feature that you get is external sharing. Under this feature, you can share your team’s work externally with clients or other users. Besides, you can add people as guest users too. The guest users can access the portal temporarily for as long as the admin wants. This way, the work gets managed and reviewed in a single place. Management will get hassle-free for the managers and the users as well.

The list of features doesn’t end here, there is more to this tool! you can access your and your team’s productivity by making a single click. Your dashboard will say it all and you get to see the sheet in three views namely the detailed report, productivity view, and the eagle view. The purpose of providing multiple types of views is to let the users check their productivity status in detail. This gives a chance to the users to see through where they lack, how much time they can manage, and how much they need to work. With the help of report generation, many people learn to get better at their work. Further, with this feature, you can also generate a full-fledged Excel sheet from the tool itself. There is a detailed report of everything on this tool, as per time and tasks. To explore more about this tool, you need to sign up fast!!

1ViewTask is an advanced tool that will give you work reminders every morning. The tool sends an automated notification via email about the tasks that are pending. You will get an email for the tasks which are required to be completed on that day too. As soon as a new task is assigned, the email will pop up. So, you don’t have to worry about your deadlines anymore. This feature will help you remember in a better way, and you will be able to fix your schedule. So, if you are prone to forget something important, just put it on your portal and the email will do the reminding job on your behalf.

It can be concluded from the above information that if you want to improve yourself this year and you want your productivity to get better, you need to stop using all the useless methods and rather try 1ViewTask. Generating reports is too easy, you can access everything by just making a single click. Moreover, in case you have something urgent to do, you can create a task on urgency by giving critical priority to your task. This way, you can focus on the more important tasks and keep aside the rest of them. With this tool, you can learn so much and your overall productivity will get better within a few weeks. To get some more information, visit our website once and sign up on the app. We will provide you with a free demo too. The tool is just perfect the way it is, and there is a lot more to come up!!

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