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How Does The New Age Task Management Systems Help Improve Communication and Productivity?

Are you tired of the scattered task inventory that needs to be structured and streamlined? The new-age task management systems have resolved these issues for the companies. All companies are keen on finding solutions that not only increase the productivity and efficiency of the employees but also take care of their mental state, avoiding any work stress or burnout conditions.

Task management in teams has always been a tedious job for managers, but with the right task management tool in place, they have organized the work with ease and flexibility. Task management systems have seemed to resolve the task distribution, fragmentation, and monitoring of progress. They have also enhanced the team spirit by offering a common communication platform to the team members, increasing transparency in the system.

How have Task Management Systems Improved Communication and Productivity?

The new-age task management systems have allowed companies to manage the workflow in a more organized manner with better progress tracking and increased efficiency. There are features and qualities of the new-age task management systems that have supported the productivity of the teams and driven better results for the teams.

Universal Use

The task management tools can be logged into from anywhere in the world. The employee just needs their ID and password to log in to the platform, where they can access their entire task list and start working. This feature has made remote team management easier for firms. When the lockdown was imposed all around the globe during the pandemic, the task management tools came as an aid for the project managers in managing their in-house teams along with the remotely outsourced employees.


The task management tools offer a communication channel to bridge the on-site and remote teams in a unit. The platform offers features where the team members can interact among themselves and with the managers. They can post their queries at any hour and get a reply from the concerned person.

Also, task management platforms like 1ViewTask offer a feature through which you can add the client to the team as a guest, who can receive regular updates on progress. The client can generate feedback for the team, and the team can implement it, giving better results and making clients happier. Better communication between the team members results in better team spirit and higher-quality products.

Virtual Meetings

Online meetings can be conducted through task management platforms. The meeting notifications are received by email, and the team members are also sent notifications before the meeting begins. This way, the requirement of the physical meeting is reduced, and the team can perform the meeting in the same way with their virtual presence. Client meetings can also be performed using the tool and they can be shown the progress reports through multimedia sharing.

Multimedia Sharing

With task management tools in action, you don’t have to juggle between software for sharing files. The multimedia-sharing feature allows users to share their files on the platform. Documents or media assets can be shared on various platforms inside the team or with the client, saving time spent switching between programs.

Time Management

The task management tools offer a time recording feature where you can record the time taken to complete an assigned task. The new-age task management tools also record the time a project takes to complete. The timelines for task completion are also recorded. This way, the recorded time is translated into analytical reports indicating the efficiency of an employee and the time utilization of a project. This analytics can help a manager take the necessary steps to increase the productivity of an employee and pick the right types of projects.


A regular task like notifying the team members or a specific person about anything can be very boring and reduce the innovative capacity of an employee. These tasks of notifying, recording time, and setting reminders can be automated using task management tools like 1ViewTask. This saves the time of employees by giving them mental space to produce something creative for the project.

Streamlined Task Fragmentation and Delegation

A task management tool like 1ViewTask has a task feature where you can create tasks for the team and fragment them into smaller parts. Each part is assigned to a member of the team. The task inventory can be seen on the dashboard, and the project’s progress can be recorded. The streamlined task delegation gives the employee a clear vision of the work process ahead, clearing all the confusion. The timelines mentioned in the task description make it easier to prioritize the tasks. This gives the employee and the management better control over the tasks.

Increase Productivity and Improve Communication with 1ViewTask

Task management tools are a necessity for firms of all sizes. A business in action has too many functional parts, and without a proper strategy or a task management system, the thought of business growth is like building castles in the air. There can be no business growth without a proper strategy and technology. 1ViewTask has been developed considering the task management practices and blending them with the technology.

1ViewTask has improved task management, communication, collaboration, flexibility, productivity, optimized workflow, and efficiency for the users. With the inbuilt automation features, the recurring tasks have been managed. 1ViewTask has demonstrated its potential as a task management tool. If you are searching for a reliable and authentic task management tool for your business, 1ViewTask is your answer. Learn more about the tool. Sign up now with the tool to increase your ROI in time and money. To learn more about the tool, visit our website!

Also, you can download our mobile app for Android and iOS, and for more information, follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Quora.


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